Ordinul si medalia Bene Merenti
Ordinul Bene Merenti clasa I
Ordinul Bene Merenti clasa a II-a
Ordinul Bene Merenti clasa a III-a
Ordinul Bene Merenti clasa a IV-a
Ordinul Bene Merenti pentru femei
Medalia Bene Merenti clasa I
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cuza  (17 iulie 2009)
You probably have the Bavarian Order of Military Merit-google that Order for pictures.

Jim Gentile  (19 aprilie 2009)
I have recently acquired a Merenti cross with Merenti on the front and 1866 on the back.  They are both in a white enamal circle with an emblem in both centers. The center section is blue enamel with gold highlites.  The cross is also in blue enamel with gold colored edges along the cross.  Also, between the four legs of the cross there is what appears to be fire in gold that extends to the height of the cross.  There are no crossed swards that apprear on other Merenti medals.

Can anyone identify the medal.  I would greatly appreciate a response.


Kevin A. Ryan  (19 februarie 2006)
Dear Sirs,

 the more correct name of your Bavarian State Award described on your site is in German:

Militar-Verdienstorden, 1866 - 1918*.

Military Service Cross, 1866 - 1918*.
               which is a sub-catagory of:

the Militär-Verdienstkreuz des MVO(Militär-Verdienstorden)

Military-Service Cross of the Military Service Order
                        1866 - 1920.)

*With regards this order it gets a little confusing as there was a:

1st Form / type 1866 - 1905.

2nd Form / type 1905 - 1913.

3rd Form / type 1913 - 1918.

4th Form / type 1918 - 1920.

All Forms or types came in a I. II, III Class,

divided by Crown with Swords, with swords only.

And not least by the peace-time award of a Cross without Crown and Swords.

My information is taken from the book "Orden & Ehrenzeichen 1800-1945 by Jörg Nimmergut. (2005/6 edition.)

If you need more information please feel free to email me.

Kevin in Deva, Transylvania, Romania.

Cuza  (16 februarie 2006)
You are describing the German Bavarian State Military Cross.  "Merenti" meaning "for the deserving".

Wes Holden  (27 ianuarie 2006)
I have a merenti medal but it looks different than the ones posted on the web sited.  The one I have has two crossed swords at the top of the medal amd in the middle it has a white circle with the inscription, Merenti.  It also has an L with a crown on it.  On the back it has 1866.