lt. av. Dragos Stinghe

Picture courtesy of cdor. Dragos Stinghe

Lt. av. Dragos Stinghe in the cockpit of his Bf-109G.

Fighter Pilot

Born: 25 March 1920


  • November 1943 - 23 August 1944: 7th Fighter Group
  • September - November 1944: 9th Fighter Group
  • March - 12 May 1945: 1st Fighter Group

Combat missions: over 100

Victories: N/A


  • Virtutea Aeronautica Order Gold Cross class with one bar

War episode:

In April 1944, the USAAF made several air raids over Romanian territory. The 58th Fighter Squadron was scrambled every time. On one such occasion, lt. av. Dragos Stinghe was just closing in on a lone bomber, which had remained behind the formation, when he heard in his radio: "Blue Nine, there's a Mustang on your tail! Break left, break left!" He then climbed and turned, avoiding the American's bullets and tracers in the last moment. Ironically, lt. av. Stinghe did not recognize the voice that saved him.

He is presently living in Bucharest

Read the memories of cdor. av. (VR) Dragos Stinghe


Picture courtesy of cdor. Dragos Stinghe

Of. echip. cl. III Ion Milu congratulates lt. av. Dragos Stinghe upon his return from his 100th mission.


Picture courtesy of mr. Dan Melinte

Lt. av. Dragos Stinghe (left) leaning on 14 Yellow. The man in the right side of the photo is of. echip. cl. III Ion Milu


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Cosmin Anastasiu  (29 decembrie 2005)
Ofiter de aviatie,pilot de vanatoare,promotia 1942,Ioan Dragos Stinghe a participat la al doilea razboi mondial,de pe aerodromuri din tara,din Ungaria si Cehoslovacia, ajungand pana in Viena. Pentru fapte de arme a fost decorat cu ordine si medalii, dintre care amintim ordinele "Virtutea Aeronautica" si "Coroana Romaniei". Dupa razboi a fost pilot si comandant de escadrila de vanatoare. Ulterior, sef de stat-major de regiment si divizie de aviatie. In 1960 trece in rezerva cu gradul de colonel(comandor).
 Bun scriitor a scris in special beletristica: 
-"Destinul tineretii noastre"  Editura Militara 2005
-"Zborul cu numarul 214" Editura Albatros 1990
LA 86 de ani este cel mai invarsta fost pilot de vanatoare pe asemenea avioane si asemenea conditii. Bun violonist dupa razboi a fost selectionat pentru a participa in orchestra de camera a Comandamentului Aeronauticii, cu care da numeroase concerte.