lt. av. Lazar Munteanu

Recon/Assault Pilot

Born: 23 August 1918, Dobra, near Hunedoara


  • spring 1942 - July 1943: 3rd Observation Flotilla
  • July 1943 - 10 October 1944: 8th Assault Group
  • 11 October 1944 - 12 May 1945: 8th Assault/Dive Bomber Group

Combat missions: over 160

Victories: -


  • Mihai Viteazul Order 3rd class with swords
  • Virtutea Aeronautica Order Knight class

War episode:

On 22 September, a formation of Hs-129s led by lt. av. Lazar Munteanu attacked German infantry positions near Cluj. The Luftwaffe fighters intervened and the Hs-129 no. 100 flown by adj. av. Trifan Bulhac, Munteanu's wingman, was hit in the right engine by a Bf-109G. Lt. av. Lazãr Munteanu guided him through the Turda Keys and the German fighter abandoned teh pursuit. But the fire was too strong and Bulhac was forced to make a belly landing. Seeing that he did not emerge from the wreck, lt. av. Munteanu landed near him and got him out. With the help of a Soviet soldier he transported the wounded pilot to Blaj in the fuselage of his Hs-129. Lt. av. Munteanu took part in another two missions afterwards: one at 1000 hours against troops and artillery positions near Salicea and the other at 1115 hours against troops NE of Craiesti. During the attack, his Hs-129B2 no. 331 was hit by AAA and he had also to make an emergency landing. However he got away unscratched.

Died: 12 April 1993, Cluj


User Comments Add Comment
anda  (14 November 2007)
Lt.Av.Lazar Munteanu i se spunea de catre camarazi si familie Lazarica. I s-a acordat decoratia militara pentru curaj deosebit,pentru salvarea unui aviator camarad de razboi picat in zona inamica unde Lazar Munteanu a intrat sfidand antiaeriana, a aterizat si-a recuperat prietenul parasutat si a decolat in focul contonuu al apararii antiaeriene inamice.